Thursday, March 29, 2018

Shades of Eyelet Conquering

VICTORY IS MINE! I have finally completed one of these damn eyelet heart squares. Hopefully the second one isn't such a chore. I had unraveled the blue attempt so often that I gave up and switched to white (well 'aran' ) hoping for a change in fortune. There was still an absurd amount of unknitting that went on and I did have to fudge a stitch toward the end because I was straight out of patience, but it's finally done and it's definitely passable.

I'm starting to be a bit concerned about the off-white color. I was half tempted to buy a brighter white, but ugh, at this point I think I'll just continue? I dunno

The other problem is that in order to do the damn k4tog stitch I had to knit with much looser tension, so this square is significantly larger than the blue bamboo square. I guess we shall see how it all pans out in the end!

The question is, do I dive right into the blue eyelet heart square or come back to eyelet hell later? I only have two more single-color squares to knit. The rest involve either two or all three colors. TBH the bamboo was a bit of a pain, too, but nowhere near as much as the eyelet hearts.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday sleeve session

After a very difficult beginning (I probably tried to pick up the cast on stitches five different times before I got it right) I made some good progress on the right sleeve of my sweater!

I'm pleased with how I'm doing with the DPNs even though sometimes it feels like I spend almost as much time picking up stitches that have dropped off the needles as I do knitting. 😛

Not having any issues with laddering for the stockinette which is great, but it's the ribbing at the cuffs and collars that I'm more worried about, because that's what I had issues with on the golf club covers.

Going to take a bit of a break now since I've already been knitting for more hours today than I suspect my physical therapist would approve of. Cheers!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Sweater home stretch!

Finished the body of my first sweater today! I still have the sleeves and the collar to knit, which both call for DPNs so I'm definitely apprehensive since I've had some issues with laddering while working on the golf club covers for dad.

Feeling so proud of myself for tackling this, though! I learned to knit when I was nine, but I've never really challenged myself to do a big project (unless you count that Queen of Hearts bikini from Stitch n' Bitch sophomore year of college... 😨)

One of my new years resolutions this year was to tackle a sweater and/or a sock. After two false starts (maybe you might even say 1.5) I am really happy to have made it here!

The gauge is not quite right even though I knit multiple swatches. Couple of factors there - the big one being that my tension while knitting the swatches was different than my tension when I was actually working - but the truth is even with the swatches I was having trouble getting gauge. I also had stitch and row gauge flipped in my mind. I knew that stitch gauge was more important but for some reason I thought stitch gauge was the vertical measurement and not the horizontal one. Oy.

ANYWAY it's big but not AS big as I feared it would be. And I'm hoping it will fit even better after I block it.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Eyelet heart woes

Blergh I have started this eyelet heart square for the Season 1 Knit Afhan ( twice now and I have to rip it out again. Maybe I need to check off each individual stitch as I do it?? Ugh. Does not give me high hopes for pursuing that Jadis scarf with actual lace yarn if I can't get a very simple pattern right with freaking Red Heart aran. oy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Today my arm is hurting a lot again which is a humongous bummer. I had physical therapy yesterday which made it sore and I did way too much knitting after that. Typing right now doesn't feel too hot either. :(

:( I want to knit. I hate this injury nonsense.

Monday, March 19, 2018

2018 is the year of the knit

Since I've been sort of using the "notes" feature on Ravelry to talk to myself about my WIPs, which it's not really designed for, I thought I should start a little blog for myself instead.

We shall see if I end up using this space!

Plenty of Progress

Knitting updates time! Fair amount of progress going on. I did finally finish the back of the beach cover-up , although I'm not sure w...