Sunday, May 27, 2018

O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

Been a minute since I've updated - probably due to lack of interesting progress.

The beach cover-up is coming along okay and it's what I've worked on most.
I think it's going to be cute! The yarn is so bizarre. It's really fun how it looks like lace without having to actually do complicated lace pattern stuff. I'm a bit worried about having enough yarn, especially since it's discontinued (I bought mine off someone else on ravelry. Then again another person who did the project said she needed fewer than the ten skeins the pattern calls for, so maybe it will all be fine.
Did finally start in on the fourth golf club cover last night and it's nearly done. Have just decided that they aren't going to be as neat as I'd like when it comes to the ribbing. I have one more pom pom to make for those as well. I did get a chance to slip them on the clubs when I was down in Florida and they worked okay. Not thrilled with them but so it goes. Hopefully Dad likes them okay.

I brought my sweater down to FL and finally did the blocking. It wasn't done drying yet before I had to leave, so I left it there. Rather heartbreaking, actually! Going to have dad mail it to me soon even though it's already far too warm for wool sweaters in NYC.

After the trellis frustrations I took a long break from Mom's afghan. Played with it for a second last night and promptly put it away again. I may post on r/knitting for help. It seems like the bobble stitch is effectively a decrease?? Is it yet another mistake in the pattern? Oy.

Have also played a bit with the Jadis scarf. Still on the short rows which (see title) are terribly unsatisfying. Also I'm already worrying about the concealing the wraps step.

Arm acting up again which is frustrating for sure. Need to do those physical therapy stretches and exercises I guess :/

In other news it is both hot and dark in my apartment, neither of which are conducive to knitting. Bah.

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Plenty of Progress

Knitting updates time! Fair amount of progress going on. I did finally finish the back of the beach cover-up , although I'm not sure w...