Sunday, May 27, 2018

O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

Been a minute since I've updated - probably due to lack of interesting progress.

The beach cover-up is coming along okay and it's what I've worked on most.
I think it's going to be cute! The yarn is so bizarre. It's really fun how it looks like lace without having to actually do complicated lace pattern stuff. I'm a bit worried about having enough yarn, especially since it's discontinued (I bought mine off someone else on ravelry. Then again another person who did the project said she needed fewer than the ten skeins the pattern calls for, so maybe it will all be fine.
Did finally start in on the fourth golf club cover last night and it's nearly done. Have just decided that they aren't going to be as neat as I'd like when it comes to the ribbing. I have one more pom pom to make for those as well. I did get a chance to slip them on the clubs when I was down in Florida and they worked okay. Not thrilled with them but so it goes. Hopefully Dad likes them okay.

I brought my sweater down to FL and finally did the blocking. It wasn't done drying yet before I had to leave, so I left it there. Rather heartbreaking, actually! Going to have dad mail it to me soon even though it's already far too warm for wool sweaters in NYC.

After the trellis frustrations I took a long break from Mom's afghan. Played with it for a second last night and promptly put it away again. I may post on r/knitting for help. It seems like the bobble stitch is effectively a decrease?? Is it yet another mistake in the pattern? Oy.

Have also played a bit with the Jadis scarf. Still on the short rows which (see title) are terribly unsatisfying. Also I'm already worrying about the concealing the wraps step.

Arm acting up again which is frustrating for sure. Need to do those physical therapy stretches and exercises I guess :/

In other news it is both hot and dark in my apartment, neither of which are conducive to knitting. Bah.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Trellis Hell and Sock Tangent

Everything seemed to be going so well...
Today is my first day back at work since being out sick last week on Thursday and Friday. Was basically stuck on my couch for four days. Friday after the tragic frogging of the Jadis I did manage to finish the second peas and carrots square for the afghan. Blanking a bit on the details (surprised I don't have a phone pic!) but I also finished the first of the bean sprouts squares I think on Saturday. I tried to get going on the rosebud trellis square but what a nightmare. The pattern is wrong and so I'm working with a ravelerer's notes but after about four false starts I gave it up as a bad job for the day. I did also get around to washing the beer stains out of the white eyelet heart square. Definitely a bit concerned about how much larger the two lace squares are than the other squares. I shudder to think that I might need to re-knit both of them with smaller needles or something in the end. :/

Sunday I spent some time playing around with Pom Poms for Dad's golf club covers. I used the method in this video instead of ways I've done it in the past and was pretty pleased with the results. Man it's kind of a wrench making them though because it feels like SUCH a waste of yarn. Makes sense that decorative stuff was always for the rich - it's a waste of material for a purely aesthetic addition. Still frustrated with the laddering problem in the ribbed section of the covers, but honestly I am probably just going to accept it. He's not that picky of a person. I don't have any issues with laddering when I'm working in stockinette but for ribbing it keeps cropping up - and the k1 p2 rib in the golf club pattern is even worse than just a k1 p1 rib which I seem to be able to do okay on dpns.
What is this? A SOCK FOR GIANTS?

Since I wasn't ready to re-start the Jadis and I was feeling pretty over the afghan squares after fighting with the rosebud trellis, I decided to try and go back to the Easy Peasy Socks pattern and got about 2/3 done with the purple sparkly yarn. Gauge is wayyyy off (surprise surprise) so if I do finish it, it will be a very impractical and large sock. :P I got to starting the decreases leading up to the toe and then set it aside and started the pattern over with smaller yarn and needles. Have that with me today at work. The end of the pattern calls for the kitchener stitch to finish the toe. I've read and watched videos on how to do it, but never made an attempt -- we shall see how I do!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Pride Goeth Before A Frog

Just frogged everything I'd done on my Jadis scarf. :( Hours and hours of work, gone. Originally, I had a life line in after the two prep rows with the twisted stitches because they were tedious as hell, but I took it out, intending to put one in further on. Why in god's name I didn't put it in before beginning the lace in earnest (the icicles chart) I shall never know. Sigh. I am disappointed of course but taking it rather better than one might expect. I am home sick from work for the second day in a row. Working on this project while on cough medicine was not my most brilliant idea, but I honestly am not sure that it really contributed to my failure that much. I was struggling with lace on the eyelet hearts like crazy so I think it's just an extremely difficult type of focus for me to cultivate. Alas. I'm tempted to cast it on again right now, but trying to convince myself to give it some space.

I still have 4.5 squares of mom's afghan to finish, plus all the finishing involved (sewing the squares together and doing the applied I-cord border.) I'm halfway through the second peas and carrots square. Then I have two bean sprouts squares and two rosebud trellis squares -- bit apprehensive about the bobble making, tbh.

I also have two more of dad's golf club covers and then the adventure of making the pom poms, which is both going to be messy and feel like an awful waste of yarn. Anyway, that's all for now.

Plenty of Progress

Knitting updates time! Fair amount of progress going on. I did finally finish the back of the beach cover-up , although I'm not sure w...