Friday, May 4, 2018

Pride Goeth Before A Frog

Just frogged everything I'd done on my Jadis scarf. :( Hours and hours of work, gone. Originally, I had a life line in after the two prep rows with the twisted stitches because they were tedious as hell, but I took it out, intending to put one in further on. Why in god's name I didn't put it in before beginning the lace in earnest (the icicles chart) I shall never know. Sigh. I am disappointed of course but taking it rather better than one might expect. I am home sick from work for the second day in a row. Working on this project while on cough medicine was not my most brilliant idea, but I honestly am not sure that it really contributed to my failure that much. I was struggling with lace on the eyelet hearts like crazy so I think it's just an extremely difficult type of focus for me to cultivate. Alas. I'm tempted to cast it on again right now, but trying to convince myself to give it some space.

I still have 4.5 squares of mom's afghan to finish, plus all the finishing involved (sewing the squares together and doing the applied I-cord border.) I'm halfway through the second peas and carrots square. Then I have two bean sprouts squares and two rosebud trellis squares -- bit apprehensive about the bobble making, tbh.

I also have two more of dad's golf club covers and then the adventure of making the pom poms, which is both going to be messy and feel like an awful waste of yarn. Anyway, that's all for now.

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