Saturday, April 21, 2018

New accomplishments & New toys!

While the rest of my life isn't going so great lately, the knitting part is a wonderful respite and is going really well!

I've officially finished all the single-colored squares for Mom's blue and white afghan. I learned to cable! Just like everyone said, it's so much easier than you'd think. It's really fun, too. I can't wait to do a bigger project with some cabling.

Since I didn't have all my colors to work on the next square at work yesterday, I used a tiny cable square that I had made some mistakes on to teach myself an applied I-cord border. It's not the one specified in the pattern, but I think it will work nicely on the real blanket. I might try to look up some more tips on turning the corner so they are a bit more square instead of round.

This morning I started on the first peas and carrots square. Don't think I'm really carrying the yarn up the sides quite properly, but it's looking really cute. I wasn't sure about the off-white color at first, but seeing all three colors together in this square I think they work really well together :)

Last night I got the sad news that I didn't get cast in a show that I really wanted. Thankfully my splurgey knit picks retail therapy purchase arrived today and that definitely cheered me up! I took the time to enter all of the yarns into my stash on Ravelry with pictures and all. I am a huge nerd so that was pretty fun and a good distraction with added sense of accomplishment. I posted a Facebook status a bit ago saying that the best thing about knitting is that i have 100% control over the outcome. I really think that is one of the reasons I find it so comforting and satisfying. When I put in the work and follow the steps, I get the desired outcome. I don't need luck or timing or the help of anyone else to create something that brings me joy. The world -- and especially acting -- is so unpredictable and most of it is out of one's hands, so the knitting experience provides a lot of solace from that.

*maniacal laughter*

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sweaters and eyelets and cables, oh my!

Been remiss on blogging of late! I "finished" my sweater a little while ago -- well, the knitting part is done. Part of the reason I think I've delayed blogging is that it won't *really* be done til all the ends are woven in and it's been blocked. Honestly I have no idea where I am going to be able to lay it out to block it here without Zephyr getting into it. :/

IN OTHER NEWS: Mom's afghan project continues to be a big challenge. The second eyelet square was just as frustrating as the first but it's finally DONE! Sadly the first eyelet square got some beer on it when one of my fellow knitters at the meetup accidentally knocked his pint over. I need to try and it get it out at some point. It's not too much of a stain thankfully. Hopefully I won't need to knit another eyelet square because GOOD LORD. Seriously I think I frogged the second attempt of the blue one at least three times. Infuriating. Also makes me think that maybe mom is right and I do have ADD.

Today was an adventure in learning to cable. The pattern has completely wrong instructions for the Horseshoe Cable Square which I know thanks to a ravelrer who made a note of it. She wrote out the correct instructions but I had quite a time trying to decode them. Finally figured it all out though! Essentially using these instructions, but doubling the border and doing two cables -

Not too much more to knit before I'm done with the first horseshoe cable square! When I'm done with both, I'll have 6 out of 12 squares completed. The other ones involved multiple colors so those will have to be done mostly at home I'm thinking. Definitely still a bit intimidated by the I-cord border at the end, but I guess I'll knit that stitch when I get there! :P

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Beedle deedle dee! Two sleevies!

Finished my second sleeve this morning! Only the neckband and the finishing/blocking left to do. So exciting!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Project updates

Made progress on the second sleeve on my sweater tonight. Also did some practice picking up the neckband stitches since I've been worrying about it. Feeling much better since it wasn't as nearly as bad as I feared.

As for the afghan squares... A few days ago, I had made great progress on the blue eyelet heart square, but then it all went terribly wrong and I had to frog the whole thing. I've abandoned it for the time being and started on the white bamboo square instead - that's nearly done! I think the eyelet pattern just requires too much focus for me to try and do it at work. The other problem is that it's so hard for me to backtrack with lace compared to anything else. Afghan pattern will be presenting plenty of new challenges soon. I haven't worked with multiple colors in a LONG time, and there are lots of new stitches that I haven't done before - cabling and making bobbles and such. I went ahead and ordered a bright white yarn as well... though I'm not sure if I'll use that or stick to the aran. Either way I figure I will always have some use for a bright white.

Monday, April 2, 2018

One sleeve glory

One sleeve down, one to go! I let it go a bit too long and didn't do the neatest job on the cuff, but it's not too bad.

Can't believe I'm so close to finishing. Definitely nervous about tackling the neckband. Gonna see if I can find some videos... Hoping that I can work some blocking miracles as well but I am trying not to judge this first sweater first too harshly.

Plenty of Progress

Knitting updates time! Fair amount of progress going on. I did finally finish the back of the beach cover-up , although I'm not sure w...